Terms Of Use

We kindly request you to carefully review the Terms of Use section on our website.

By visiting this site, you accept the terms contained in this document. Site terms of use may be changed at regular intervals; so please check these terms from time to time. Because your continued use of the site means that you accept the changed terms. We make every effort to provide accurate and timely information about the site. However, it should not be thought that the information given here is always up-to-date or that the site contains all kinds of information.

Trademark and Copyright

Unless otherwise stated, all of the contents on this website are protected in the broadest and unrestricted way as copyright, trademark, patent and/or other intellectual and industrial property belonging to other parties.

Security Terms

This website is open to everyone. Services provided for individual members are absolutely free, unless otherwise stated in the relevant section. It reserves its legal rights about the person or persons who violate the general moral rules, such as carrying out activities that threaten the security of the site, sharing member information with third parties and organizations.

In the following cases, the website administration may prevent the use and reserve its legal rights about the person or persons involved in the following attempts:

 In case of recording information containing false, irregular, incomplete, misleading and inappropriate statements on the site, in case of recording private or general announcements, information for advertising purposes and sales requests,

 In case of deleting or changing the information announced by third parties, in case of attempting to interfere with the information of other members and the content of the Site, in case of partial or complete copying of the information on the site without permission and using it in any way whatsoever,

 In case the information such as user name, password, member number given to the members is shared with third parties and organizations,

 In case of using software, carrying out activities or trying to be done, which will threaten the general security of the site and prevent the operation of the site and the software used,

 In the event that the membership account is used by the user in a way that harms both the website and third parties, other than the purposes to be determined on this website, and / or the commercial reputation of the website is damaged due to the actions of the user, the website administrators should immediately cancel the membership of the user, and take action against the user. has the right to apply to all kinds of judicial and administrative authorities.

Hannhanna, the general appearance and design of this website, all information, pictures, www.hannhanna.com domain name, logo, icon, demonstrative, technical data presented in electronic, graphic or machine-readable form, computer software, applied sales system. is the owner or licensee of all materials and intellectual and industrial property rights related to them, including the business method and business model, and is under legal protection. any material on the website; It cannot be changed, copied, reproduced, translated into another language, republished, uploaded to another computer, posted, forwarded, presented or distributed, including code and software, without prior permission and without reference. The whole or part of the website cannot be used on another website without permission. On the contrary, actions require legal and criminal responsibility. All other rights of hannhanna not expressly granted herein are reserved.


You can become a member of our site by filling out the membership form. It should be noted that; The site administration may not approve the membership and / or remove the member from membership without giving any reason.

Personal Use

The use of materials on this site is for informational purposes only. You agree not to distribute, publish, transmit, modify, display, or make and/or use the contents of this website in any way without the permission of the website administrator. You hereby agree to indemnify all kinds of damages and losses incurred and/or suffered by the website due to your unauthorized use of the materials on this website.

Notifications and Presentations

You agree that you are, and will continue to be, solely responsible for the content of any submissions you make, and that you will not submit material that is unlawful, defamatory, harassing or obscene.

You agree not to submit anything to this website that infringes the rights of third parties, including copyright, trademark, privacy rights, or other personal or proprietary rights.

Using, duplicating, modifying, using, or copying all of the materials you submit to this website.

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